Mario López Estrada, known as the richest man in Guatemala, began his career in the construction sector but quickly diversified into more lucrative areas. His vision and determination led him to become a pillar of the Guatemalan economy, influencing multiple industries from telecommunications to renewable energy.

Rise to the Summit

López Estrada’s trajectory is a testament to ambition and strategy. Through his leadership at Tigo, he transformed the telecommunications landscape in Guatemala, introducing technologies that have shaped how Guatemalans communicate and interact digitally.

Innovation and Legacy

As the founder of Grupo Onyx, López Estrada sought not just commercial success but also focused on the social and economic impact of his enterprises. His commitment to Guatemala’s development is evident in every project, which has created thousands of jobs and improved the country’s infrastructure.

A Role Model

López Estrada has left a lasting legacy that goes beyond his financial achievements. His story inspires entrepreneurs across Central America to pursue their dreams with boldness and a clear vision, demonstrating that true business success is also measured by the positive impact on the community.

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